Why does Exist show different values for my RescueTime data?

RescueTime has a new user interface that displays data differently to what you'll see in Exist (and in RescueTime classic).

Each activity you spend time on can be categorised in RescueTime as being "productive", "very productive", "distracting", and so on. When Exist syncs your data from the RescueTime API, we get each of your activities and the category you've given them. We then add up the time spent in your activities to give you a total for productive, neutral, and distracting time in Exist.

Here's how these three attributes work in Exist:

  • Productive time in Exist includes activities categorised as both "productive" and "very productive" in RescueTime
  • Neutral time just includes activities with the "neutral" category
  • Distracting time includes both "distracting" and "very distracting" activities

In the new version of RescueTime you'll see your time broken down like this:

  • "Focus work," which includes only "very productive" activities
  • "Other work," which includes both "neutral" and "productive" activities
  • "Personal," which includes both "distracting" and "very distracting"

When you see "Other work" in the RescueTime interface, that's combining activities you've categorised as either productive or neutral, but in Exist those same activities will be separated into your productive time and neutral time attributes. And your productive time attribute in Exist will also include anything you see in "Focus work" in the RescueTime interface.