How do I see my raw data in Apple Health?

If your data in Exist doesn't match what you expect, it's often helpful to check the raw data in Apple Health in case you're syncing data from multiple sources, or your tracking app is syncing different values to Apple Health than what it's showing you. The Apple Health app will also sometimes show you different values to the raw data it stores and provides to Exist, which can be a source of confusion.

Follow these steps to look at the sleep data in Apple Health and check where it's coming from:

1. Open the Apple Health app and tap on the "Browse" tab

2. Tap the type of data you want to check, such as "Sleep"

4. Scroll down and tap "Show All Data" near the bottom

5. You should see a list of data records with dates and app/device icons

Here's an example screenshot of what that screen should look like for sleep data when there's just one app or device syncing sleep into Apple Health:

Screenshot of Apple Health app showing a list of sleep data records with the Oura app icon next to each one.
All the sleep data for each day in this screenshot has the same app icon, meaning there is just one source syncing sleep data into Apple Health.

And here's another example, where you can see that each date has sleep data synced from multiple apps/devices (notice the different icons):

Screenshot of Apple Health app showing a list of sleep data records. Some of the records have the Oura app icon next to them, while others have an Apple Watch icon.
Notice how each date in this screenshot lists data with varying app/device icons. This means multiple sources are syncing sleep data into Apple Health.